I invite you to watch the video or listen to the audio from my Aug. 24th Q&A session about my upcoming course – A New Republic of the Heart: A Guide To “Being the Change” For Real.
I responded to a series of questions about the course. The questions ranged quite widely.
Some folks asked about makes my communication unique. Others about different ways to engage the course, and others wanted to better understand the logistics. I was glad to get a chance to describe the profound and realistic transformation that I think participants can experience.
I’m so excited to begin the course soon and to more deeply explore the unique insights, complex existential dynamics, emotional understandings, social commentary and embodied awakened consciousness that are synthesized in my best-selling book, A New Republic of the Heart: An Ethos for Revolutionaries!
You can access both the video & audio below.
You’ll also hear me extend an invitation to my upcoming my course which is designed as a living experience and real-time application of A New Republic of the Heart. I hope you’ll give it serious consideration.
- Learn why you, really and truly, can be one of the heroes who can make a difference in this challenging time
- Discover how finding your unique purpose is an integral part of responsibly facing our global predicament
- Cultivate radical hope while directly facing that it’s “Game Time” on Planet Earth
I invite you to join me. You’ll be learning with a special category of people that share our leading-edge awareness, aspirations and revolutionary energy.
Step-by-step, I’ll walk you and a group of fellow evolutionaries through learning, practicing, and integrating the book’s powerful synthesis of evolutionary neuroscience, integral theory, deep ecology, and spiritual wisdom. I’ll answer questions and offer guidance unique to you and your life’s journey.
You’ll get support in tackling the “hard question” of how you can implement and engage these insights and get the benefit and change you want.
We’ll look at what it means to live a life of practice that makes a real difference in our world, and how the inner work and outer work are equally necessary and reinforcing. We’ll practice this inner-outer dynamic together, exploring a rich variety of personal and interpersonal practices, including experiments in virtual “we space.”
We’ll also be awakening to the Wholeness that is our true Nature. I’ll help you understand, experience and feel how this liberating truth gives rise to a transcendent, “radical” hope that coexists with an eyes-wide-open relationship to our planetary predicament.
And there’s a special plus — you’ll receive exclusive, pre-release access to the upcoming audiobook version of A New Republic of the Heart (read by me) one chapter every week. This might be quite helpful to the many people who are doing more of their reading via audio.
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