Finding a “YES” to our challenging times
In this brief audio clip, Terry invites you to consider the possibility that your soul chose to be born into this time, in this place, under these exact circumstances as part of its initiatory journey. Consider that you chose to be born into a time when all human wisdom— spiritual and scientific — are in conversation, when evolution is becoming conscious of itself, and also when everything you love, our whole living planet, is uniquely imperiled. Not only that, consider that your life journey has a unique contribution to what’s called for now — a healthy, conscious, awakened human response.
2:15 minutes (2.07 MB)
Finding a “Yes”
This is something I have been wondering about because within my own family you can see the full spectrum of emotions around what is happening in our world. I am feeling the awakened response and have been more prolific in my writings – but have often felt guilty that I am not interested in assisting the others in my family to see the possibilities. It is as if I am not willing to use my energy to “bring” them forward – but instead am gathering with those of like minds and energizing and being energized through this contact. I DO have a positive outlook and believe that my own heaven is what I make of my own life. It is only when I step outside and hear a message such as yours that I wonder if I may be taking the easy road and copping out of one of the paths that Spirit is showing me – as mine to do.
Finding a Yeas
I experienced the Fall many years ago and woke up and as I did I saw my own processing and how I had been operating within a paradigm which I thought was the truth. I experiences what I call a non local instruction because it seemed as though a gap had appeared and this came through and I was shown the nature of what seemed like reality, but was really a made up story. I was shown a film projector which prjected onto a screen what seemed like a movie because it seemed continuous bbut was in actuality photographic stills which moved so fast that there was an illusion of continuitty. To cut a long story short I saw what Plato was talking about when he spoke of the CAVE. This awakening happened in an instance and it seemed like I had split the atom and become a particle and went on to become a ‘singularity’ This happeded over 20 years ago and it seemed like suddenly I had come into BEING whereas before I had been trapped in BECOMING. Sice then the journey has been non stop. There is something going on in our present day world and it seems we have to say “YES” to the upheaval or sink.
Silence Practice
Jane – what a lovely phrasing of this larger Reality that is seeping into our Awareness. We are becoming Aware Beings rather than conditioned humans. Tenderness, care, and attention are vital during our transitional Awakening.
A good question
The main answer I can give this sort of question arises of out a maybe. But what a joyous maybe it seems to me.